You must drive Targeted Traffic to Your Web Site if your online business is to be successful. Targeted traffic can generate new customers, repeat business & more referrals to grow your business. KWS offers the following solutions:
First Page Ranking – Drive traffic to your site & increase credibility.
Link Building – Increase your page rank with keyword anchor text pointing to your web page
E-mail Marketing Newsletter – Keep your business in front of your customer
Weblog and RSS syndication – Direct interactive communication with prospects & customers.
RSS – News feeds provide fresh content to your site
Google AdWords – Guaranteed first page placement for your keyword
Google Adsense – Place your ad on other websites
Reputation Ranking Tools – Find out how your site ranks in reputation!
Reputation Marketing – Hot tips to increase your site’s ROI.
Client goals and concerns are the reason you are in business. Clients buy your products and services to meet their needs. You know this, but are you applying it to your marketing?
Many service providers marketing materials are little more than a laundry list of services. To attract prospects and clients, start with client problems as the catalyst for writing your marketing “meme” and materials. If you are a massage therapist you may provide “hot stone” or “deep tissue” massage but to get your prospects’ attention you’ll need to talk about relieving back pain or eliminating muscle spasms.
There are a finite number of people who want and are willing to buy any given product and service. Marketing to people who don’t want what you provide is a waste of time and money. You know this, but are you targeting your marketing to those people who are most likely to buy your services and products?
Learn (if you don’t already know) who buys your products and services and why. Develop a picture of your ideal buyer , their demographics, concerns and motivates. Use this information to identify marketing tactics that will attract them to you.
Before a prospect becomes a client and a client becomes a repeat client, they need to be convinced of the value of your products and services. They need to feel confident that your products and services will do what they are supposed to do. You know this, but is your marketing built around demonstrating the value you provide?
Many independent professionals sell information and ideas. If you are a home decorator, you could provide a tutorial on how to decorate your home. If you provide tangible services, you need to show people examples of your work and provide testimonials from former clients.
Lead generation is the lifeblood of any small business . The more qualified prospects contact, the more clients you’ll have. Even if you don’t want a thousand clients, if you have lots of prospects you can have the option of having just a few high paying clients. You know this too, but do you have a marketing strategy which helps you grow the number of qualified prospects you market to each month?
One of your marketing goals should be to motivate qualified prospects to give you their contact information so you can market to them. If you sell information, publishing articles with a free teaser at the end is one way to do this. If you sell products or tangible services, a raffle can attract prospects.
People like to buy from others they know and trust. And attracting new clients takes ten times as much effort as selling to a repeat client. You know this too, but do you have a marketing strategy which helps prospects get to know and trust you?
Kell Web Solutions can help you with a strategic marketing plan to grow your business by 25% annually. Focus on Reputation, Reach, Resell/Upsell, and Referrals.
Call us now to learn more: (909) 362-3131.
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Let us know. (909) 362-3131
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21736 Wesley Drive
Laguna Beach, CA. 92651