Directory Optimization

Directory Optimization

Local Listings

Crawl Listings

See how you’re listed across 200+ sites

Claim Listings

Get detailed information about whether you are claimed and perform actions

Create / Fix Listings

You can request to create, fix or merge listings from within our dashboard

Monitor Reviews

We present you with a single dashboard of your customer reviews from across the web

Display Reviews

With our widget, you can display your reviews on your website and ask customers to provide you with feedback

Track Rankings

Our Rank Tracker monitors over 9 different local and organic search engines

200+ Local Directories & Search Engines Accurately Crawled

See where you’re listed, whether your information is accurate and if your profile on each site is fully optimized

Monitor all of your reviews from one place

Our software tracks over 20 different review sites and notifies you as soon as a customer leaves feedback

Every major review site monitored

We monitor over 20 different review sites and report back to you directly as soon as we find new reviews

Industry specific review tracking

We also monitor industry-specific sites for you!

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